Caratteristiche e vantaggi

Acrylonitrile rubber brown contact adhesive for bonding metal to metal, metal to rigid plastics, and metal to rubber.
TEROSON® SB 1287 is brown, acrylonitrile rubber contact adhesive semi-liquid for the bonding of metal to metal, metal to rigid plastics, and metal to rubber. Suitable for use in all applications where the bonded material is exposed to thermal loading, where it must also be resistant to chemicals, plasticizers, lubricants, and solvents.
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Informazioni tecniche

Aspetto fisico Liquido
Caratteristiche principali Resistente agli oli, Temperatura: Elevata temperatura
Colore Marrone
Consigliato per l'uso con Acrilonitrile butadiene stirene (ABS), Metalli, Plastiche
Tipo di polimerizzazione Polimerizzazione a caldo