Features and Benefits

This medium strength, anaerobic-curing flange sealant has fast-curing properties and is perfect for repairing and replacing cut gaskets up to 0.075 mm (0.003") in thickness.
LOCTITE® 5182 is a fast curing, thixotropic, medium-strength sealant. It cures when confined in the absence of air between close fitting metal surfaces and is ideal for sealing gaskets, housings, cases and covers, as well as repairing and replacing cut gaskets up to 0.08 mm (0.003") in thickness. Apply heat or use an activator for a faster cure or higher strength.
  • Fast-setting
  • Thixotropic for ease of application
  • For repairing and replacing cut gaskets up to 0.076 mm (0.003") in thickness
  • Medium strength for ease of servicing
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Technical Information

Applications Gasketing
Chemical basis / base Methacrylate ester
Color Red
Gap fill 0.8 mm
Lab shear strength 6.0 N/mm²
Physical form Gel
Viscosity, Brookfield - HBT, @ 25.0 °C Spindle TB, speed 0.5 rpm, Helipath 300000.0 - 900000.0 mPa·s (cP)
Viscosity, Brookfield - HBT, @ 25.0 °C Spindle TB, speed 5.0 rpm, Helipath 85000.0 - 200000.0 mPa·s (cP)