LOCTITE® AA 3342 Structural Adhesive

Известен като LOCTITE 3342

Характеристики и ползи

LOCTITE AA 3342 is a yellow-opaque, 2-step, no-mix, structural acrylic adhesive used for high temperature magnet bonding.
LOCTITE® AA 3342 is a structural adhesive for fast cure at high temperatures. The 2-step acrylic is designed primarily for surface permanent magnet (SPM) bonding in electric motors. It has a fixture time of 3 - 3.5 min and a shear strength of 15-30 N/mm². It can be used in temperatures up to +180°C. Requires LOCTITE® SF 7386 to activate.

Техническа информация

Вискозитет, Brookfield – HBT, @ 25.0 °C Spindle TB, speed 2.5 rpm 80000.0 - 230000.0 mPa.s (cP)
Вискозитет, Brookfield – HBT, @ 25.0 °C Spindle TB, speed 20 rpm 50000.0 - 130000.0 mPa.s (cP)
Време за фиксиране 3.0 - 3.5 мин.
Основни характеристики Смес: не се изисква смесване
Цвят Непрозрачно