Известен като ACHESON Electrodag PE-409

Характеристики и ползи

A blend of finely divided silver and silver chloride particles in a thermoplastic resin specially designed for use as an electrode material in polyester-film based medical sensing devices.
LOCTITE® EDAG PE 409 E&C is a conductive screen printable coating offering great flexibility and chemical stability, and easy printability. It is a blend of finely divided silver and silver chloride particles in a thermoplastic resin, specially designed for use as an electrode material in polyester film-based medical sensing devices. It has a silver/silverchloride ratio of 9:1.

Техническа информация

Вискозитет, Brookfield, @ 20.0 °C Speed 20 rpm 25000.0 mPa.s (cP)
Метод за полагане Ситопечат
Начин на втвърдяване Топлина + UV лъчи
Основни характеристики Проводимост: електрическа проводимост
Плътност 2490.0 kg/cm³
Съдържание на сухо вещество 75.0 %
Цвят Сребърен