Özellikleri ve Faydaları

Oxide-filled, epoxy-based adhesive for use in harsh automotive applications.
If you’re looking for a pourable epoxy adhesive with excellent thermal stability and chemical resistance, LOCTITE® STYCAST A 316-48 is a great choice. This oxide-filled adhesive is non-conductive and heat-resistant; and cures fast when heated. LOCTITE® STYCAST A 316-48 is highly suitable for bonding plastics, phenolics, metals, and ceramics, making it an ideal choice for use in demanding and harsh automotive applications, such as sensors and control modules.
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Dokümanlar ve İndirilebilir Belgeler

Teknik Bilgi

Bileşen Sayısı 1 Bileşenli
Camsı Geçiş Sıcaklığı 145.0 °C
Isı İletkenliği 0.4 W/mK
Isıl genleşme katsayısı (CTE), Above Tg 155.0 ppm/°C
Isıl genleşme katsayısı (CTE), Below Tg 55.0 ppm/°C
Kürlenme Türü Isı Kürü
Raf Ömrü 91.0 gün
Renk Siyah
Shore Sertliği, Shore D 86.0
Viskozite, Brookfield 50000.0 mPa.s (cP)