Особливості та переваги
LOCTITE DSP 190024, Acrylic, Bonding
LOCTITE® DSP 190024 is primarily designed for bonding rigid and flexible PVC to polycarbonate where large gap filling capabilities (0.25mm) and a flexible joint are desired. Its flexibility enhances the load bearing and shock absorbing characteristics of the bond area. The product has shown excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates including glass, many plastics and most metals. The thixotropic nature of LOCTITE DSP 190024 reduces the migration of liquid product after application to the substrate.
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Технічна інформація
В’язкість, віскозиметр Brookfield – серія HBT, @ 25.0 °C Spindle TB, speed 10 rpm, Helipath | 18000.0 - 35000.0 мПа·с (спз) |
Колір | Білуватий |
Міцність на зсув | 17.9 Н/мм² |
Хімічна основа / основа | Уретан-метакрилат-естер |
Час фіксації | 10.0 сек. |