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LOCTITE EDAG PD 056 E&C, PVC Vinyl, Conductive coating
LOCTITE® EDAG PD 056 E&C coating consists of silver particles in a thermoplastic resin that rapidly air dries to form a flexible conductive coating. It is fully miscible with LOCTITE SS 24600 E&C conductive graphite coating to provide a range of resistances. LOCTITE EDAG PD 056 E&C is one of a series of LOCTITE EDAG coatings designed to provide controlled electrical properties.
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Технічна інформація

Вміст твердих речовин 63.6 %
В’язкість, віскозиметр Brookfield – серія RVT, @ 25.0 °C Spindle 4, speed 20 rpm 2500.0 мПа·с (спз)
Колір Срібло
Щільність 17.5 фунт/галон