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LOCTITE ABLESTIK 2815A, Acrylate, Die Attach
LOCTITE® ABLESTIK 2815A die attach adhesive is designed to minimize thermal resistance between the chip and substrate. It provides improved workability for applications requiring high heat extraction from die.
  • Electrically conductive
  • Thermally conductive
  • Good fillet formation
  • Good dispensability
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Dokumen dan Unduhan

Informasi Teknis

Aplikasi Pelekat Die
Kekuatan Geser Die RT 5.8 kg-f
Koefisien Muai Termal (CTE) 64.0 ppm/°C
Konten Ionik yang Dapat Diekstrak, Kalium (K+) 9.0 ppm
Konten Ionik yang Dapat Diekstrak, Klorida (Cl-) 19.0 ppm
Konten Ionik yang Dapat Diekstrak, Natrium (Na+) 19.0 ppm
Modulus Tensil, @ 250.0 °C 1600.0 N/mm² (230000.0 psi )
Tipe Pengeringan Heat Cure