Şöyle bilinir Gap Pad® HC 3.0

Özellikleri ve Faydaları

Thermally conductive, silicone-based, fiberglass reinforced gap pad filler with a high thermal conductivity rating of 3.0 W/m-K.
BERGQUIST® GAP PAD TGP HC3000 is designed with a unique filler package and low modulus material to provide exceptional thermal performance at low pressures. The highly conforming material provides excellent wet-out characteristics at the interface of rough and irregular surfaces and is ideal for fragile applications that require low stress on components and boards during assembly.
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Teknik Bilgi

Isı İletkenliği 3.0 W/mK
Renk Mavi
Standart Kalınlık 0.508 - 3.175 mm
Taşıyıcı Türü Cam Elyafı
Yanma Hızı V-0
Young Katsayısı, ASTM D575 110.0 KPa (16.0 psi )
Çalışma Sıcaklığı -60.0 - 200.0 °C