LOCTITE® Low Viscosity Pneumatic Handheld Applicator
Zināms kā LOCTITE 97130
Iezīmes un ieguvumi
The LOCTITE Low Viscosity Pneumatic Handheld Applicator Valve is suitable for use with a wide range of low viscosity LOCTITE products and is Henkel's most precise handheld applicator for cyanoacrylate adhesives.
The LOCTITE® Low Viscosity Pneumatic Handheld Applicator Valve is a pneumatically operated, adjustable seat valve designed to be used in conjunction with pressure-time dispense systems. It is suitable for use with a wide range of low viscosity LOCTITE® products and is Henkel's most precise handheld applicator for cyanoacrylate adhesives. The valve body and stem are PTFE coated to prevent premature curing. This valve can deliver very small drop sizes, even with low viscosity products. It can be used especially with cyanoacrylates and other low-pressure applications, up to 30 psi. NOTE: This valve is not recommended for use with light curing adhesives.
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Tehniskā informācija
Darbības veids | Pneimatiskais |
Galvenie raksturlielumi, Ieteikums | Gājienu regulēšana, Viskozitāte: maza viskozitāte |
Izmantots uzklāšanai, Ieteikums | Ciānakrilāts, Fiksējošais hermētiķis, Vītņu līmviela |
Pielietojumi | Līmju dozēšana |
Uzklāšanas shēmas | Pilieni, Punkti, Punktu līnijas |
Viskozitāte, Ieteikums | 0.0 - 10000.0 mPa·s |
Šķidruma spiediena, Ieteikums | 4.0 - 30.0 psi |